Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Since last I posted...

Many changes have taken place. I am engaged to be married. I am now doing the CORE plan of weight watchers (focus on whole grains, vegetables, healthy fats and lean proteins/dairy), which dovetails nicely with what I eat anyway. I am currently writing my thesis for my Masters. So, there is alot going on. Notably, registering for housewares (delighted shriek!!!!!) and cooking supplies (more delighted shrieking!!!)
Heres a look at whats in the bowl (Kabocha Soba Bowl)
Steamed Kabocha Squash over Soba noodles with bits of sliced tofu and a handful of arugula. I stirred up some miso paste in hot water to make a broth and floated a few drops of hot sesame oil and sprinkled on a few sesame seeds. It's pretty good, and would be better if all of these were leftovers, but since both had to be made fresh it was a bit of work but not horrible.


the chocolate doctor מרת שאקאלאד said...

Mazltov! It is great to have you back.

Juggling Frogs said...

Mazal tov!

May you always find joy in each other's company. And the cookware.

All the best,