Thursday, July 12, 2007

do peapods have flavor?


Mordy said...

More comics, plz.

the chocolate doctor מרת שאקאלאד said...

heh heh!
kosher gastro-pods!

David said...

The cartoons are great even with the annoying cats. (Who somehow manage to get more WordPress hits then me.)
I am pleased to report that I have doing some cooking of my own and came up with a way to make sabich into a salad w/o the pita! I tested it on some people in Katamon and they seemed to like it. Interested?

Blue Zebra said...

I adore this! What creativity!!! I come to you by way of Melle Cotte and by Sue at Coffee and Cornbread. Love your sense of humor and very nice blog!

Would you by any chance, be interested in linking back and forth to my new site? I'm new to this and not quite sure how it's done.

Blue Zebra

Mercedes said...


I am writing to inform you about Share Our Strength’s Great American Bake Sale, a national campaign that mobilizes Americans to help end childhood hunger by having a bake sale in their community. Now in its’ fourth year, over 1 million people have participated in the campaign to aid the 12 million children in America who are at risk of hunger. The campaign, which runs through August, was recently promoted by celebrity chef Rachael Ray on ABC.

Share Our Strength’s Great American Bake Sale offers a unique way for you to connect with your readers about the severity of childhood hunger in America while providing them with a simple and fun way of how they can fight it. Perhaps you can include information about the campaign in a section of this blog?

I was unable to find an email in which to contact you. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions, and I can provide you more information about the campaign.

Thank you,

Share Our Strength
(800) 761- 4227